A brief History: First settled in 7th C by Roman fugitives from Ebidaurum (Cevtat).In 8th and 9th C’s it became very prosperous- rivaled Venice. In 1205 Venice seized and held it (called Ragusa) till 1358. After a 1430 signed treaty with the Turks the “Ragusan Republic” developed the 3rd largest commercial fleet in southern Europe.In the 15th C the city was noted as a place of refuge for slaves, Jews and other persecuted minorities. Abolished slavery in in 1416. Offered free retirement home for the poor a Home for Foundlings and universal education. Took part in the Spanish Armada attack on England in 1588 (Bad move!). Destroyed by 1667 earthquake. Rebuilt. Conquered by Napoleon in 1806. Ruled by France. When Napoleon was defeated the Austrians made it theirs till WW 1. Between the two WW’s it (now Dubrovnik)became part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia . Part of Tito’s federation after WW 2. In the 1990’s ,after that federation broke up, it sided with Croatia in the civil wars. Bombarded by the Serbian navy. Battle scars now fully repaired. It is a beautiful walled city where people live and work and tourists come in hordes. It is also a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Inside Dubrovnik
In the wall
 The Main street-”Stradun”
The Franciscan Monastery of The Minor Brothers-contains pharmacy started in 1317
Gothic carvings-every one of 60 capitals is different
Picture of city before the 1667 earthquake
More carving
Small street with oldest synagogue in Europe
St. Blaise again. His head is a relic in his Cathedral!
Baroque and Venitian influences
Another main street
The Knight, Orlando-Symbol of freedom & independence of the Dubrovnik Republic.
Children picking bay leaves (Honestly!)
Napoleon was stationed up on that hill
Atrium of The Rector’s palace. Destroyed 1436. Rebuilt in 1463
Love that hand!
Grand staircase
Light and Shadow
Lining up for the water taxis and tour boats
The Old Port